Crew man turned 4 months on October 29. He is such a happy baby. Everyone always says that they can't believe he doesn't ever cry. Rest assured...he does cry, just not very often. :) He really is a good baby and for that we are truly blessed. Little man is still sleeping all night and he started cereal this month. I feed it to him from a spoon & he is pretty good at eating from the spoon. He also hit another milestone that was rolling over! I was in the shower and he was playing on his activity mat. I laid him on his back and hopped in the shower real fast. When I came out he was on his belly & mommy missed the whole thing! I was a tad sad that I missed it...but he did it! :) Crew also got his first rash this month. Breastmilk is becoming a sacred thing & I tried to mix the cereal with formula so I didn't have to try and make more milk. Well, this is what the formula did....
Needless to of my friends recommended just using water & that's what we did. He seems to be loving it now! We also got our 4 month shots....
Here are just a few pictures of what we've been up to:
Crew's first day of deer season:
Crew was the deer for Halloween:
Crew's first Thanksgiving:
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